Monday, April 1, 2013

Industrial Child Laborer

Madison's Journal

Dear Journal,
I get up at 4, its not fun. My eldest sister, Marie didn't have to work in the factories when she was growing up on the land, she worked in the cottage with mama, that is before she died. Marie used to help her sew, cook and clean. Our cottage was small but I liked it. Now since mama aint here no more, we live in a Apprentice House, which is alot like the orphanage that me and Marie used to live in. It can hold lots more kids though, up to 90 total! A few weeks ago, my best friend Ellie was sold to  that got more than us. They got a whole 3 beds for all they servants. I was jealous but I tried not to show it 'cuz mama dont like no envious, unappreciative child.

Dear Journal,
I can't believe what went on in the cotton factories today. I was working the Spinning Jenny when lil ole Jimmy, a piercer, got his hand stuck in the crossbar, which holds the length of thread or yarn tight as they are spun. The wooden crossbars were spinning so fast that his hand got caught in one of the threads while he was trying to repair several threads that had become tangled, piercing his hand multiple times. The factory owner gave a look at his hand as though he was ready to get rid of it, but Jimmy pleaded and said that even though his hand was temporarily down it wouldn't stop him from completing his work. He was only eight or nine, I felt so sorry for him. The horrible conditions, contaminated air, barefoot work. The only reason why they pick us is because our speed, age and skillfulness. We are cheap, only getting paid two pence every week. Many children suffer from dust inhilation, bronchitis and as for me, I got some bad asthma. 

Dear Journal, 
My schedule is go go go! I wake up at 4, with only about 5 to 6 hours of sleep; which is not enough when you work all day everyday. My breaks continue to get shorter. A break at about 8 in the morning for 45 minutes. Then a lunch break at noon time, but they sometimes make us eat while we work if we are going slower than usual. The dripping bread and spoiled cheese is...yuck! (especially when the dust covers over it) My favorite food is the tea, although it seems a bit watery and flavorless. 

Dear Journal, 
They just announced a new Act that is made specifically for educating young girls and boys like myself. Thank the Lord for Lord Ashley who is the President of Ragged School Union and helped set it up. Hopefully, this will help me and other like me to be able to read like them other kids. Today is my first day of this new school. Wish me well! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Superstitions, then and now

Superstitions can be defined by a unjustified belief in an supernatural thing(s) that causes someone to perform certain rituals.
Each superstition has an idea behind it. For example, never going under a ladder, especially if a black cat has walked under it. This has the idea of bad luck; which is what most superstitions are related to. Either good or bad luck and how you obtain one of these two.
In Macbeth you can see the fear which some may say lies within the first scenes where the three Witches in the dark hospital are chanting over a dead body. Really thereafter, the witches are seen in a negative light, people someone would go to if they needed the future to be told to them. But feared because very little is known about them and their abilities are seen as dark, evil, and unholy; perhaps even associating it with the devil.
Throughout the movie Macbeth are shown some of the victims that he murdered, they tell Macbeth their thoughts and feelings about him. Which leads into the point that superstitions can be in the form of seeing the dead.

Today superstitions are based off of stories where either the person in the story suffered a bad or good event because of it. TOday superstitions are still believed and followed so as to avoid bad luck or to encounter good luck.  In both now and the past, most superstitions are things that are usually seen in a negative light.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Scientific Revolution

Nicolaus Copernicus

I was born in 1473 on February 19. I was the youngest of four children, son of Nicolaus
Copernicus Sr. and Barbara Watzenrode. After my father’s death in 1483 my siblings and I lived with my uncle Lucas, who was a successful cleric that later became a bishop in 1489. My uncle got me very involved in the church and helped me with my education. I was enrolled in the University of Cracow in 1496, studying canon law. I was elected with an administrative position, just below a bishop. In 1496 I continued studying canon law at the University of Bologna.
While living at Bologna University I bunked with astronomy professor Domencio Maria Novara and there is where my first astronomical observations were observed.
Around 1500 is when I first adopted my theory. Corvinus helped me print my manuscript Commentariolus that included his theory of the earth rotating while the sun was the one standing still; which was never officially published. Around 1513 after leaving my uncles palace is when I decided to make my own outdoor observatory
My second book On the Revolutions encompassed more elaborate details of the first book which talked about the order of the heavenly bodies according to the sun. I also developed the Heliocentric System which is a depiction where the sun is in the center of the universe and the Earth and other planets are rotating around it. However, my theory was not very popular and accepted because I could not explain at that point why the stars seemed to remain in the same place while the Earth was changing viewpoints.

What inspired me to make this system was really just other people like Aristotle who believed that the  the Earth was the center of the Universe. I was curious for finding out the truth for myself, especailly since no could prove this theory.

Today my theory helps because we now know how long a year lasts and why the moon and stars appearsto disappear and reappear. Also, my theory explains and shows why we have seasons and day and night and why opposite regions of the earth have opposite temperatures.


Citations: http://

Friday, December 7, 2012

Columbian Exchange

-Native New World plants like tobacco, maize, beans, tomatoes, and potatoes, helped the economy and the European diet, feeding the population of the Old World. - these were some of the important Indian gifts to the Europeans and others.
-About 3/5 of the crops today originated in the Americas.
-The Europeans exchanged Old World crops and animals to the Americas.  
-Columbus returned with 17 ships that unloaded 1200 men with cattle, horses & pigs. Brought sugar can which flourished in the caribbean. 
-North America tribes: Apaches, Sioux, Blackfoot used horses to transform their culture into highly mobile hunters that roamed the Great Plains in pursuit of the buffalo.
- Horses reach North America thru Mexico and then to Canada. 
- Europeans brought seed flowers (dandelions, bluegrass and daisies on their shoes and clothes); diseases (smallpox, malaria, yellow fever). 90% of the Natives died off after Columbus landfall.

-Since Columbus exchange the different species & variation of species has diminished.
- Natives did not respond well to the Europeans coming over
DISEASE: Most Natives died by diseases brought; some died by starvation leading to malnutrition which made them more susceptible to diseases. Syphilis was spread from sailors who returned from the Americas.
-Natives brought tobacco. More soldiers died from smoking during WWII than died from the war.
ANIMALS: Pigs bread very quickly, no famine; Europeans came to the Americas to eat. Hunting buffalo made them more nomadic & brought them more money.
PLANTS: (MOST IMPORTANT THING BROUGHT OVER- New world food, main reason why the population .
PEOPLE: Afrikaners made their way to the Americas as slaves.

Friday, November 30, 2012

CNN Student News-Graham

For Israel and United states are in agreement that it wont give them much leverage. - Opinion
Drones could be a rampant distraction in the sky- Opinion
"Some of the larger concerns are who is piloting them" Fact
A lot of people think of Einstein as a genius- Opinion
Gupta- "people have been fascinated with what was different in Einstein's brain"- Opinion
December first is world aids day- Fact
3/facts- 2/opinions
Youth employment is at its lowest level since wwII with people between 16-24- Fact
Teens only- 25% employed- Fact
50%- 16-24 yrs. employed- Fact
The time collaborative- is something  new that they are making to help increase test scores decrease  dropouts. They were going to add more than 40 schools in 5 states.
"You probably know someone who like to wear it [camouflage] just because"
"With a little hard work motivation and attitude you can do anything" rob mccullough
Some members stay some go-fact
U.S. Senate chooses the next senator in the end.-fact
Hagel is a controversial pick.- opinion
something that keeps sauces or other foods from separating is an emulsifier-fact
"...States are left powerless"- opinion about immigrants
Father of Clack history established the week of Negro week - Dr. Carter G. Woodson- fact
On sunday the ship lost power-fact
The meteor has a chance of hitting something; this asteroid is a lot bigger than the others-fact
Drone attacks should be stopped.- opinion
Drones are cheaper and easier to maintain, they are used to help others see what is up ahead-fact
Drones are controversial because they can kill without complete accuracy-fact
Drones can also be used for civilian use like looking/taking pictures from the sky-fact
"I think peoples major and what the school offers and focuses on is important" when looking for colleges.
U.S. Presidents face is not on Mt. Rushmore- John adams

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crusades. Which is more Holy?

"God Wills It" Cry of the Crusades.

"Which is more Holy? The Wall? The Mosque? The Sepulcher? Who has claim?"

The Sepulcher is located in the old city of Jerusalem. It is the name of a church, that is also known as Church of the Resurrection and is said to be the most Holy site in the world for Christians because it sits on the cavalry, where Jesus was killed. They believe this is where Jesus' tomb lay when he was buried. In earlier centuries Christians would travel here annually if possible.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is part of the Islamic culture and very important. Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad traveled here from Mecca (10 years after having his first vision/ revelation), the prophet prayed at the rock when he was then given the commandment to pray five times a day.  The Golden Dome now covers the rock at which he prayed.
The The prophet not only encouraged Muslims to go to the mosque in their respective cities, but also to visit the “Farthest Mosque”: Al-Aqsa yearly. 

The western in Jerusalem is located in the old city of Jerusalem at the bottom of the temple mount. It is what is left of the ancient wall that surrounded Jewish courtyard. It has two other names: The Wailing Wall or the Kotel which is translated: The Buraq Wall.

The word Crusade came from the Latin word 'crux' that means 'Cross'; referring to the cross that they believe the Christ died on. So going on a crusade meant that they were fighting for the Christ and that he was with them.  Pope Urban II called for a Crusade to reunite the Catholic Church so that he would be the only Pope and have all the power. Most people that responded to the crusades were peasants / very poor ones, not knights. Pope Urban II encouraged the second crusade based on his selfishness, wanting to gain control of the Catholic Church so he could have all the power. 
After Baliens question, he said that everyone has claim. He was stating that god is with everyone, that the different religions with different places of worship should be open to them. It seems that he thought that these different religious groups should be able to live in harmony. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Quarantine necessary?

Journal/Blog: Was a Quarantine Necessary?  Can you hold people against their will? 
Quarantine was required because the bacteria that were infecting these people were thought to be the same bacteria that started the bubonic plague; which killed millions and spread rapidly. Quarantine was also said to have started because of the bubonic plague.
Associate Professor in urban health at Hunter College school of Health Sciences said that "the organism gets in the lung....that allows it to be transmitted by coughing" when discussing the bacteria and how it goes from human to human. 
It is said that the bacteria know is not as big of threat as it was back in medieval times, it is better to be cautious still. Getting quarantined is still needed. Let’s say that this bacterium is not as contagious as it was in earlier centuries, its ability to replicate rapidly can still infect others and overtime spread.
We all have "free will" so to some quarantining others may not be a legal act but it is a necessary one. If others were to be able to get the cure only if they wanted it, not only are that senseless because some people would not quarantine themselves, but it is also selfish to let others determine whether they want to infect innocent victims with this disease that could possibly take away their life. 
As a victim of this bacterium, as hard as it may be for me to separate myself from my family and be alone with other diseased ones, if this meant keeping the bacteria away from the rest of the population so that nothing happened to them, I would have no problem being quarantined. Others should have this outlook as well when discussing the topic of whether quarantine was vital or not.