Monday, April 1, 2013

Industrial Child Laborer

Madison's Journal

Dear Journal,
I get up at 4, its not fun. My eldest sister, Marie didn't have to work in the factories when she was growing up on the land, she worked in the cottage with mama, that is before she died. Marie used to help her sew, cook and clean. Our cottage was small but I liked it. Now since mama aint here no more, we live in a Apprentice House, which is alot like the orphanage that me and Marie used to live in. It can hold lots more kids though, up to 90 total! A few weeks ago, my best friend Ellie was sold to  that got more than us. They got a whole 3 beds for all they servants. I was jealous but I tried not to show it 'cuz mama dont like no envious, unappreciative child.

Dear Journal,
I can't believe what went on in the cotton factories today. I was working the Spinning Jenny when lil ole Jimmy, a piercer, got his hand stuck in the crossbar, which holds the length of thread or yarn tight as they are spun. The wooden crossbars were spinning so fast that his hand got caught in one of the threads while he was trying to repair several threads that had become tangled, piercing his hand multiple times. The factory owner gave a look at his hand as though he was ready to get rid of it, but Jimmy pleaded and said that even though his hand was temporarily down it wouldn't stop him from completing his work. He was only eight or nine, I felt so sorry for him. The horrible conditions, contaminated air, barefoot work. The only reason why they pick us is because our speed, age and skillfulness. We are cheap, only getting paid two pence every week. Many children suffer from dust inhilation, bronchitis and as for me, I got some bad asthma. 

Dear Journal, 
My schedule is go go go! I wake up at 4, with only about 5 to 6 hours of sleep; which is not enough when you work all day everyday. My breaks continue to get shorter. A break at about 8 in the morning for 45 minutes. Then a lunch break at noon time, but they sometimes make us eat while we work if we are going slower than usual. The dripping bread and spoiled cheese is...yuck! (especially when the dust covers over it) My favorite food is the tea, although it seems a bit watery and flavorless. 

Dear Journal, 
They just announced a new Act that is made specifically for educating young girls and boys like myself. Thank the Lord for Lord Ashley who is the President of Ragged School Union and helped set it up. Hopefully, this will help me and other like me to be able to read like them other kids. Today is my first day of this new school. Wish me well! 

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